An introduction to the framework for strategic sustainable development (FSSD) designed to make strategic decisions for long term prosperity
Format: 2 x 4 hours or one day for interactive board-level workshop.

A unique opportunity to gain insight into the art of building a sustainable business strategy with a clear focus on the environment, people and of course underlined by a sound business success. Learn sustainability planning from an owner, board, and management perspective. The real sustainability opportunity comes from a whole systems risk management and value creation approach working across all levels.
Integrate ESG and CSR into your business. You will gain knowledge and tools to provide sustainability work in your business strategic nudge it may need. You get insight into a strategic planning tool and learn how to calculate the benefits of your CSR work. The tool is the basis for sustainability work in small and large companies such as Ikea and Electrolux. You get the chance to practice methodology and work with a practical business case.
Read more at our dedicated website:
Upcoming Workshops
Currently there are no public workshops planned. Please get in touch for an custom in-house workshop.