Groundwork Training: April 2018

The groundwork Logo

Resonanz came together last month with the founders of The Groundwork to look behind the scenes at what it takes to collaborate effectively: What are the qualities and conditions that enable a successful collaboration? Never has our collective efforts been more necessary: while each of us have a responsibility to develop our individual personality and skills, we know that our visions of the future will only be realised as a team, a group, a people.

The purpose of this workshop was to build our shared capacity to collaborate more effectively and with more powerful results. We explored and deepened the elements of Groundwork practice through a framework called the Foundations of Powerful Collaboration. We applied this to the projects and initiatives that participants were already working with.

The Groundwork Model

More info about the framework:

Art of Hosting Training Yspertal: April 2018

We are delighted to cooperate with Verein Transformation Leben to deliver a German language Art of Hosting in April 2018. It will be a three day residential training in the beautiful setting of Landhotel Yspertal, approx 1.5h from Vienna.

I’d be delighted to meet you there!

Mischa Altmann